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2000.01 The Jan. 22, trip to the left coast has been rescheduled. Pay no attention to the paragraph in Bruce’s comments. The real time and date are as follows: Jan. 29, leaving the IHOP 9:- 9:30 am. If you want breakfast, plan to arrive earlier. Please come to your picnic, this could be a nice gathering if you articapate. You paid for it. The picnic will be our next meeting, Daytona will be our March meeting (I think), and Aprils meeting will be Saturday the 15 at the IHOP east of I-95, at the 45th St. exit. 7:00 pm. Don’t worry about your taxes they will be done by then! The first event of The Gulfcoast Autocrossers was a Chamber of Commerce day. First place points will be tallied to my year end score. I tried to find a category with some competition, but won street modified without a contender. That’s ok, I may need those points. The highlight of the day was spending the day with my daughter and her new husband (car-guy). It has been some time since we’ve talked. Call a distance relative and make nice. She did. Thanks, Dani, love, J. I have installed some $100.00 brake pads on the fronts and I’m liking them. From Carbotech, they are called Bobcats. There are others to chose from, but Larry says these are best for my needs. I don’t have the address with me, but next time…. Jimmy Rigged sez C-YA
Just a few reminders and new interests: The Daytona Show “Fiero Weekend” is on the 26th, 27th and 28th of March. Everyone should get registered. The Florida Fiero Council has reserved the top four floors of the Holiday Inn in Daytona Beach Shores (rates are $66 or $71 plus tax per night, two night minimum). Call for reservations at 1-800-722-3297 before March 6, 2000 and ask for the Fiero rates. A convoy to Daytona will leave from IHOP on 45th Street at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, March 26, 1999. We all need to think about getting T-shirts ordered before Daytona so we all can show off our club participation. Put your orders in at our next meeting. The picnic is on February 19th instead of our regular meeting . It will be at Logger Head Park, where it was before, at 1:00 p.m. and will last until we leave. Directions are as follows: I-95 to Donald Ross Rd. (exit 58), east to US1, turn north, or left for some of you, go about a quarter of a mile and it will be on your right side across from Logger Head Turtle Plaza. Casey, from Treasure Coast Fieros, has organized a trip to the west coast. We will visit B & B Spyders re-bodies on the first trip. Then over to Mr. Mike’s on the second trip to check out the seat covers and other interior parts. We will meet at the IHOP at 8:00 am Saturday the 22nd. Eat breakfast, then move on up I-95 to meet Casey to go across the state. Should be a nice road trip. We also have a new web site, (www.angelfire.com/fl3/palmbeachfieros) The rest of us need to come up with ideas to help build the site with useful information: races, future events, road tips, car care tips, car modifications, car repair tips, pictures of all our cars, car parts or cars for sale, just to mention a few things to get you thinking. Just in case anyone is interested, Wide Track Warriors (Pontiacs) are going to have their annual show in Old Town February the 26th. Sounds like maybe another road trip? We’ll talk about this at the picnic. For those of you not familiar with Old Town, they have a classic car show every Saturday night. So along with the Wide Track Warriors annual show there will be plenty of other cars to see. They parade the all the cars through town , which by the way is fun to walk and shop through too, and simulcast through their own radio station.. I have another thought for you all. I have been asked about putting our membership list on the web site, just for general information and or if other interested Fiero owners wanted they could contact us. I, myself don’t mind, but some of you may want your privacy which is why I am asking. We could do just names without addresses and phone numbers or all of it? Please let me know what you think. It also time to pay our yearly dues for those of you who still what to remain members. Its only $20.00. Make checks payable to me (Bruce R. Hilker) and mail it or come to one of the meetings to pay.
Safe motoring,