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2001.05 PALM BEACH FIEROS MEMBERS and Guests: At our May 19th meeting (Jim/Secretary absent again - traveling), couple unannounced guests visited our club. Thanks to Sue from Fiero Conversions, Inc. (ON, Canada) for taking time off her vacation in South Beach and making the time to come to our club's meeting. We met with Sue whom brought Fiero Conversions' catalog and most of our members that showed up at the meeting got to chat with her and each other. Some of the products that Fiero Conversions offers: IMSA kits, V8 kits, headers, Nitrous systems, Turbochargers, Superchargers, Ferrari accessories amd turnkeys among other items. Unfortunately, the company does not have a website yet. They're working on getting a domain name registered. Sue will send us some catalogs - if anyone is interested. Another unannounced guest at this month's meeting was Paul with Paul's Exotics (www.paulsexotics.com) whom drove his Lambo Diablo that gets everyone's heads turned. Paul makes fiberglass kit cars such as Porsche conversions, Ferrari Testarossa, F40 and Ferrari 355, here locally in West Palm Beach. Check out his website for more information or email: pvl959@bellsouth.net. Thanks Paul for bringing one of your kit cars! More News from our members: Glenn Travers got a good deal on 350 V8 complete car on 84 Fiero on EBAY!!! Way below of what a kit sells for… for a complete car. What a deal… Glenn, get that car going and bring it to the meeting in a month or two for others to see. Check out those ebay.com auctions periodically. Some Fiero stuff goes there cheap as some goes for way over the retail price. Check with GM on the overflow bottles before you bid on one on ebay. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! to Gary Dalton Oh, btw: our club's website has a brand new look. CHECK IT OUT: pbfieros.tripod.com and let me or the webmaster know what you think of it. Any comments or suggestions on improvements are welcome. In regards to registering our own domain name: palmbeachfieros.com (it costs around $35 bucks a year - is it worth having our own name on the Internet, and advertise it that way?) Mr. Mikes agrees to host our website FREE of charge if we get a domain name registered. Central Florida Fieros (centralfloridafieros.com) and Space Coast Fieros (spacecoastfieros.com) are already online with Mr. Mikes (www.mrmikes.com). All he requests is a complimentary link to his website off our website. Lets hear from our members supporting the idea of getting our own domain name. We can then have colorful decals with www.palmbeachfieros.com made to put on our cars. Who's FOR IT and who's opposed? Few pictures from the last meeting can be found at: http://www.zing.com/album/pictures.html?id=4292628511 See you all at the next meeting: June 16th at IHOP, 45th St. 7pm, when ALL THE LATE DUES ARE DUE or you won't receive any more newsletters until your due is paid in full to our secretary. Thank you, and GoodBye!